Technical Support

What causes overheating of live equipment during use

:2022-08-12 15:08:44:

In actual use, if the live equipment is overheated, it may be caused by the following points.

1. Core heating: insulation damage or long-term overvoltage, eddy current loss and hysteresis loss of transformer and motor and other equipment will lead to core heating of transformer and motor, which is easy to overheat.

2. Poor heat dissipation all kinds of electrical equipment generally have certain heat dissipation or ventilation measures. If these measures are damaged, the equipment may overheat.

3. Poor contact: the wire connector is not firmly connected. Poor contact and electrolytic corrosion of copper aluminum connector will lead to overheating.

4. Overload design when the wires and equipment are selected unreasonably or the current load exceeds the rated value, the equipment will be overloaded and heated.

5. The heat generated by the direct use of electric lamps and furnaces may be overheated if installed or used improperly. If the electrical equipment overheats the conductor due to the above reasons or other reasons and heats the surrounding combustible materials or objects, it may cause a fire.

6. The short-circuit current in the line generally increases several times to several tens of times, and a large amount of heat is rapidly generated. Heat can burn through the insulation layer of the conductor immediately; If it heats the surrounding combustibles, it will cause combustion. Short circuit is caused by the loss of insulation capacity of equipment insulation layer due to aging, high temperature, humidity or corrosion, or mechanical damage of electrical equipment to insulation layer during installation. In addition, short-circuit fault may be caused by lightning overvoltage, insulation breakdown, wiring error, shell collision, etc.


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