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ZCHG-12C Current transformer test bench


ZCHG-12C extreme speed current transformer calibration device is a new generation transformer calibration device developed by our company to adapt to the fast and accurate characteristics of modern calibration. The device consists of several parts, including a high-speed current transformer calibrator, a current load box, a control cabinet, and a dedicated testing platform for current transformers. 

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  • Product Introduction

ZCHG-12C extreme speed current transformer calibration device is a new generation transformer calibration device developed by our company to adapt to the fast and accurate characteristics of modern calibration. The device consists of several parts, including a high-speed current transformer calibrator, a current load box, a control cabinet, and a dedicated testing platform for current transformers. On the premise of maintaining the original technical characteristics, significant improvements have been made in the rapid measurement of current transformers, the rapid positioning of test points, and the coverage of load boxes and transformers with various ratios.

  • Product Parameters
Working Condition
Relative humidity<80%(25℃)
Power Frequency50Hz±0.5Hz
Power Voltage220V±5V
Measuring Range
In-phase component(%)0.0001~200.0     Resolution: 0.0001
Orthogonal Component (min)0.001~ 700.0      Resolution: 0.001
Impedance(Ω)0.0001~20.0       Resolution:0.0001
Admittance(ms)0.0001~20.0       Resolution:0.0001
Basic Error
In-phase Component ΔX=±(X×2%+Y×2%)±Dx

 ΔY=±(Y×2%+X×2%x34.28)±Dy  “X”,“Y”——Values Displayed

“Dx, Dy”——Quantified Error     Dx=2, Dy=5

Orthogonal Component
PercentageClass 1
Working Range
Current(1%-149%)In     (In =5A)            (5%-149%)In     (In =1A)
Voltage(5%-149%)Un    (Un =100V,150V,100V/ )        (5%-200%)Un        (Un =100V/3)
Work Load
CurrentTO to TX<0.12Ω      cosΦ=1.0
Voltagea to x<0.25VA        (100V)

  • Product Features

1. The calibration device adopts programmable source technology for fine adjustment, making the positioning of test points faster and more accurate.

2. The equipment has made a qualitative improvement in the measurement speed of multiple current transformers, and can measure twelve current transformers of any ratio in 3-5 minutes.

3. The instrument is equipped with standard current transformers of 1A and 5A, and the current load box is equipped with 1A and 5A, with a load value of 2.5VA-8OVA. The voltage load box is equipped with 100V, 100/1.732, and the load value can basically meet the user's requirements from 1.25VA-158.75VA. The load box can automatically switch during measurement.

4. This current transformer calibration device can perform both regulated and non regulated measurements of transformers, and users can specify measurements for any percentage point during measurement.

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